Genkit can generate structured output that conforms to a schema that you provide. The data will be available on the output
field of both chunks and responses.
Structured output can be streamed to display incremental progress.
// api/route.ts
import { genkit, z } from "genkit";
import { googleAI, gemini20Flash } from "@genkit-ai/googleai";
const ai = genkit({
plugins: [googleAI()], // set the GOOGLE_API_KEY env variable
model: gemini20Flash,
import genkitEndpoint from "@/lib/genkit-endpoint";
import { CharacterSheetSchema } from "../schema";
export const POST = genkitEndpoint(
{ schema: z.object({ prompt: z.string() }) },
({ prompt }) =>
prompt: `Generate an interesting Dungeons & Dragons character based on the following prompt: ${prompt}`,
output: {
schema: CharacterSheetSchema,
// schema.ts
import { z } from "genkit";
export const CharacterSheetSchema = z
name: z.string().describe("Character Name (Required, max 100 characters)"),
race: z.string().describe("Character Race (Required, max 50 characters)"),
class: z.string().describe("Character Class (Required, max 50 characters)"),
level: z
.describe("Character Level (Required, integer between 1 and 20)"),
experiencePoints: z
.describe("Experience Points (Required, non-negative integer)"),
abilityScores: z
strength: z
.describe("Strength Score (Required, integer between 1 and 30)"),
dexterity: z
.describe("Dexterity Score (Required, integer between 1 and 30)"),
constitution: z
.describe("Constitution Score (Required, integer between 1 and 30)"),
intelligence: z
.describe("Intelligence Score (Required, integer between 1 and 30)"),
wisdom: z
.describe("Wisdom Score (Required, integer between 1 and 30)"),
charisma: z
.describe("Charisma Score (Required, integer between 1 and 30)"),
.describe("Ability Scores"),
hitPoints: z
.describe("Hit Points (Required, non-negative integer)"),
armorClass: z
.describe("Armor Class (Required, non-negative integer)"),
speed: z.number().int().describe("Speed (Required, non-negative integer)"),
alignment: z
"Alignment (Required, one of: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, max 50 characters)"
), // Example enum
background: z.string().describe("Background (Required, max 50 characters)"), // Could also be an enum
proficiencies: z
.describe("Proficiencies (Array of strings)"),
languages: z.string().array().describe("Languages (Array of strings)"),
equipment: z.string().array().describe("Equipment (Array of strings)"),
inventory: z.string().array().describe("Inventory (Array of strings)"),
personalityTraits: z
.describe("Personality Traits (Optional, max 500 characters)"),
ideals: z.string().describe("Ideals (Optional, max 500 characters)"),
bonds: z.string().describe("Bonds (Optional, max 500 characters)"),
flaws: z.string().describe("Flaws (Optional, max 500 characters)"),
notes: z
.describe("Additional Notes (Optional, max 1000 characters)"),
.describe("D&D Character Sheet");
export type CharacterSheet = z.infer<typeof CharacterSheetSchema>;