This demo showcases a simple chatbot that utilizes Genkit's tool calling feature. The chatbot is capable of responding to user prompts by using two defined tools: getWeather
, which simulates fetching weather data, and rollDice
, which simulates rolling a six-sided die.
// api/route.ts
import { z } from "genkit";
// this example requires beta features
import { genkit } from "genkit/beta";
import { googleAI, gemini20Flash } from "@genkit-ai/googleai";
const ai = genkit({
plugins: [googleAI()], // set the GOOGLE_API_KEY env variable
model: gemini20Flash,
import genkitEndpoint from "@/lib/genkit-endpoint";
const getWeather = ai.defineTool(
name: "getWeather",
description: "Gets the current weather in a given location",
inputSchema: z.object({
location: z
.describe("The location to get the current weather for"),
outputSchema: z.object({
temperature: z
.describe("The current temperature in degrees Fahrenheit"),
condition: z
.enum(["sunny", "cloudy", "rainy", "snowy"])
.describe("The current weather condition"),
async ({ location }) => {
// Fake weather data
const randomTemp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30) + 50; // Random temp between 50 and 80
const conditions = ["sunny", "cloudy", "rainy", "snowy"] as any;
const randomCondition =
conditions[Math.floor(Math.random() * conditions.length)];
return { temperature: randomTemp, condition: randomCondition };
const rollDice = ai.defineTool(
name: "rollDice",
description: "Rolls a six-sided die",
outputSchema: z.number().int().min(1).max(6),
async () => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
export const POST = genkitEndpoint(async ({ system, messages, prompt }) => {
const chat ={ system, messages, tools: [getWeather, rollDice] });
return chat.sendStream({ prompt });